Volga-Dnepr / Aviation works and services / Wildland firefighting operations

Wildland firefighting operations

Over the past few years, Volga-Dnepr Airlines has been successfully developing its traditional services of scheduled and charter cargo operations, as well as significantly deepening its expertise and competencies in new aviation services, among them being wildland firefighting.

The company is ready to offer comprehensive services for monitoring and extinguishing wildland fires during the fire season, as well as to provide individual types of work which cover:

  • Drawing up a comprehensive plan for seasonal scope of aviation works, selecting contractors, interacting with relevant regulators and representatives of federal and regional authorities;
  • Performing aviation services using small aircraft Cessna, An-2, An-3 (including those with drain valves), An-12, Il-76TD-90VD, including paradrop of cargo and customer personnel;
  • Planning, provision and operational management for a fleet of piloted aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV);
  • Providing situational awareness for ground fire services (online broadcast) for timely fire extinguishing actions;
  • Creating common digital information field for all participants involved in monitoring and extinguishing fires using the Forest Guard information system, the Thermal Points subsystem of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, and Information system for distance monitoring “Rosleskhoz”.

Wildland firefighting service is an extremely complex area that requires a high level of competence from all the performers. Its development became possible thanks to the flexibility and adaptability of the team, the ability to think out of the box and find solutions for difficult situations.

During the fire season of 2023-2024, Volga-Dnepr Airlines patrolled the territory of 8 regions of the Central Federal District in order to monitor the fire hazard, identify fire locations at an early stage and promptly inform the Regional Dispatch Services of the relevant regions to organize fire extinguishing actions.

Our specialists are always ready to answer any questions and process your request for wildland firefighting services. Please send your requests to VDA.Flight.Support@volga-dnepr.com.